Tuesday, 17 June 2008
flowing out into bloom
I will see their beauty
when the flowers grow out
from two tone roots
seen from the surface.
Feel the ecstasy when I am held to heat
flesh that moves and rejoices
the message, relief, that ripples and subsides
something within follows and dies
waiting for the act to be repeated
waiting to be resurrected
waiting to begin again
seeing the beauty in pain
majesty stripped bare
feeling made flesh made raw.
This is passion
not love, nor caring, not even desire.
It is a beast with open maw,
teeth ready to rip,shred,mar.
It demands to be heard
it is wanting nothing
it is merely obeyed.
A cruel and true master, obeyed.
It burns within, white hot flame,
creation and destruction potent.
And I let it destroy me
I must kick the habit,
yoke the fire and
become my master's master.
Hope all it destroyed lies
in ashes that will light again.
A phoenix waiting to burst alive,
the epitome of passion,
to recreate all I have lost
to be never burned again.
Now playing: Biff Naked - Lucky
via FoxyTunes
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
One life lived through, beginning to the end
Else time itself unwinds and all I am
Will be just another thing to condemn
Understand the world and all its features
That such a task should fail all its teachers
This is the cardinal sin, last demise.
Is it to be what cracks open my skies?
All the worlds beyond their vast painted veils,
That beckon to me now to join their tales,
Ever trying to remove me from all -
Matters. But I must not heed their call.
Now playing: 30 Seconds To Mars - The Kill
via FoxyTunes
Monday, 12 May 2008
She tries to find where you used to fit
There’s a hole in her self where you were
She carves herself to ribbons in fear
She can’t move on until she finds
Where you moved out.
She pulls herself to pieces
Breaks her own heart
Chained to the rock
Eagle to her own Prometheus
Giver of stolen fire.
But the sky is alight anew
Casting shadows in her sight
And now she must choose
The shadows of destitute comfort
Or the bringer of new fire.
She is frozen on the horizon
The line where the light ends
And the factions spin at her centre
Deepest shadows frame her
The light forms the edge.
She is drawn in by unnamed forces
Through too many veils
To where the maiden can call
For a knight to take her hand
Save her from herself.
Now playing: Siobhan Donaghy - There's A Place
via FoxyTunes
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Man in the Moon
took me where I sleep
that's where you lay me down
lay me down and kept me
pressed down amongst the eider
rumpled, ruffled and closing in on me
holding me for you.
Only you.
That bed of snakes
writhing and wrapped round me
trapped in the comfort
of your delicate arrangement
the room, the snake bed
that place
What comfort that was,
your great orchestration,
playing your favourite instrument
and you knew every chord to play
to get the music you wanted
whilst breaking the minimum of strings.
And all of them mine.
I still remember the whisperings at my ears
lyrics to your melody
my name and other things I liked quite less
but not in the middle of a song
not right, not proper.
So I let myself sink
in the snakes and the eider
and in my eyes
I watch the moonlight
how it dapples and dances
across your shoulder.
I used to rest my head in that shoulder
when I was lost as I find myself now
lost in your embrace.
I would rub it just to have you near,
I would hide there, close my eyes
make the world go away
and be safe.
Devoted, I'd have done anything for you
but not this.
Not the snake not the eider not the dancing.
Devoted to my destruction.
You are metal and you are wound
and I see them both just now poised
inches from my flesh
and I wonder if you would bring them closer
if I could hide once more in that shoulder
feel the heat of you
comfort without snake and eider
without arrangement.
But the world wouldn't go away now
it already has
it is just me, ornate and exposed,
with snake and eider and metal and wound.
Now I must go, not the world.
That cannot be done with you metal and you wound.
With metal and wound the snakes tighten
tying me to the eider grave.
I turn from the dance
to the man in the moon
he shone that silvery light
he danced on your shoulder
and I turn to him.
I smile at him and he smiles back
my eyes glaze over as we talk
he tells me stories tells me songs
of what my life really is
for this isn't it, this isn't real
he reminds me of this and sweeter things
as he watches over me, framed in window.
Finally metal and wound come closer
pressing up tight and asking for entry.
The snakes hold me ready
I muster no resistance
I lay ornate and exposed
white as china, pure as milk.
But milk was not poured for you
you will not drink today.
Instead I grip faster
to the dance on your shoulder.
And, as I am pulled aloft,
bourne by my hold on the moonlight
I still watch the scene through the open window
ornate and arranged twixt the eider
held down by snakes wrapped round and through.
Metal and wound leant over and between
still wishing to taste skin like milk
not meant for him.
And so I ascend
watched by glazed eyes
I see the fear in them
unnoticed by metal and wound
fear of falling.
But I won't fall and glazed eyes need not worry
I am held fast by the man in the moon
safe and strong and ever after.
The man in the moon has taken me as his
He is where I am going
and where I am to be found
Playing all the right notes
Till death do I part.
Now playing: Newton Faulkner - Gone In The Morning
via FoxyTunes
Friday, 4 April 2008
With Three Words
I sold myself to slavery.
With three words
I paid for a life of pain.
Words were dull currency
that bought my bondage.
My emotional torment first
prize in a twisted competition.
Fate's sense of humour that
pushes each swelling
colours each bruise.
Destiny's twisted web my golden strand of hope.
My only hope.
Pulling me from drowning and losing
myself in self made sea.
Where serpent strangles, whispers,
Another voice that blames me.
The bars of my cell my own concoction
that I hope to dilute and lose.
Pull them down with these four walls
You helped me build.
With three words
this captive was set free.
Now playing: Massive Attack - Butterfly Caught
via FoxyTunes
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Curtains flung casually aside.
The flame moves, leaping, wild,
Flickers and threatens to leave.
The shadows on my four walls draw in,
They do not fear my meagre light on the windowsill.
Seven crows fly among the rafters,
sent high, bourne upon the small glow.
The murder circle, the first watching
over me
keeps me safe from safety.
I hold out my hand to hold,
bring it through the smoke
to settle in the flame
hoping just to feel.
I sit alone on unmade bed,
I sit alone and try not to love you.
I sit alone.
Now playing: The Hoosiers - Goodbye Mr A
via FoxyTunes
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
I Will Always love You
Is that what you really want to hear?
Because if it is
You won't hear it from me.
If one embrace will ease the pain
Then I would never touch you again.
If it all brings you to tears
Then I pray to whatever god would hear me
That it lasts for infinite eternities.
If my words mean anything to you
I take them back
Every single one
For never a single meaning crossed your lips.
Hollow words from the Hollow heart of a Hollow shell.
You are as nothing to me now as i was as nothing to you then.
I know it will never die but
I know it will dim every day
'Til I can bury it alive
To never mourn at its graveside.
I will aways love you.
Now playing: The Hoosiers - Worried About Ray
via FoxyTunes
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Naughty Little Secret
tell you a story,
tell you the truth
you like it when I lie.
Look over my shoulder and see
their whispers match my own
Their sharp eyes rake my back
as they joke and play and scream
the truth no one wants to hear
I offend the senses unless I live their lie.
So throw a tantrum, make a fuss,
say I 'm wrong and play the game
Say I'm dirty and feel no shame
Say what you want and
kick me when I'm down
It's no secret that it's okay
not a person anyway
but truth be told,
you like me when I lie.
Now playing: Paramore - Misery Business
via FoxyTunes
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Is love the end of the world
Or is the world the end of love?
I can see one path from the other
But I cannot walk on both.
I can barely walk at all.
Instead I find a signpost,
Grimly test my mettle.
But metal is a knife
A blade that cuts in with breath.
Splits me from myself
Leaves me hollow and formless.
Twin paths pull feet
Not caring I am torn, I am broken.
I try to walk both paths
Never giving myself over to either.
One following the signpost
And one follows me.
I am never together and ignore the signs.
But then the signpost does not consider me.
I am left, without concern or consult,
To walk the paths hoping that they may cross
And I can be together again.
Or shall I be whole now?
Use my sharp breath to cut me from the signpost.
I can push myself away and choose a path
I could walk out into the world and smile.
Yes, maybe might even smile again.
Ignore the signpost’s one direction
Its destination not found in a single place.
Knowing that one path holds the other,
If I stop steering by your direction.
Now playing: Editors - An End has a Start
via FoxyTunes
Thursday, 14 February 2008
This rose is not passion
it is not pretty
it is not red.
This rose is dark, black
unexpected, unusual
a thing of beauty
a thing to be reckoned with.
This rose is forever.
It is indelible
like a mark on your hand
a brand on your skin
worn for all to see
to wonder to its meaning.
It is not one day of wilting sentiment
this is thousands of your own.
This stem is long
everywhere the bloom has been
a history carved out
a timeline, past and future.
This stem is strong
no wind can move it
no hand can break it
no one can tear it asunder.
This stem is not thorn'd
it will not leave you wounded
won't make you cry
but it can still leave its mark on you.
The gift I give you is simple
though complicated to understand.
The gift I give you is unadorn'd
to not subdue its meaning.
Real love is forever.
Now playing: Kate Nash - Birds
via FoxyTunes