Friday 4 April 2008

With Three Words

With three words
I sold myself to slavery.
With three words
I paid for a life of pain.

Words were dull currency
that bought my bondage.
My emotional torment first
prize in a twisted competition.
Fate's sense of humour that
pushes each swelling
colours each bruise.
Destiny's twisted web my golden strand of hope.
My only hope.
Pulling me from drowning and losing
myself in self made sea.
Where serpent strangles, whispers,
Another voice that blames me.
The bars of my cell my own concoction
that I hope to dilute and lose.
Pull them down with these four walls
You helped me build.

With three words
this captive was set free.

Now playing: Massive Attack - Butterfly Caught
via FoxyTunes

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